Hargeysa Cultural Center Goes Virtual Continuing service to community using online platforms



Contact: Hargeysa Cultural Centrer
Phone: +252 63 3628220 | Email: info@redsea-online.org

                                                                HARGEYSA CULTURAL CENTRE GOES VIRTUAL

                                                           Continuing service to community using online platforms

 Hargeysa, Somaliland. 2nd June, 2020 – World is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic which has costed unprecedented number of human lives all over the world. In preventing the spread of the virus, Somaliland has declared state of health emergency. The declaration included closing of institutions and schools to adhere to the prevention principles set by World Health Organization (WHO), specifically the Social Distancing and staying at home. Following the declaration by the Government of Somaliland, Hargeysa Cultural Centre closed the Centre and has been working from home including works on awareness creation campaign by developing video clips in collaboration with concerned institutions and donating health kits and awareness flyers to the needy communities.

While working from home, the Centre has been exploring options to continue its service to the community using alternative platforms and it has successfully set an online platform that assist the continuation of its events without any compromise or risk for community and its employees health safety. It has already done the test events, the one on the 18th May with more than 16K views assured the effectiveness of the platform and now the centre is expanding its service online starting from June 2020 Some of the upcoming events, I particular the Academic Dialogue in Hargeysa series, will mainly focus on the pandemic and its consequences, to assist the community be informed and able to fight the virus. (See for further details the HCC FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/XaruntaDhaqankaHargeysa/)

Accordingly, HCC would like to inform all community members to follow the activities online and engage in constructive conversation until time allows resuming our normal activities. HCC management would also like to stress that it is highly committed in informing the community in staying safe and healthy including its employees, and therefore want to clarify that all the events are Virtual with no public gathering or attendants coming to the centre.


If you would like more information about this topic, please call Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa at +252 63 3628220, or email info@redsea-online.org


The Hargeysa Cultural Center was opened in August 2014 in Hargeysa, Somaliland. The Center was established by Redsea Cultural Foundation (RCF). Since its establishment, the Hargeysa Cultural Center has become an important feature in Hargeysa’s cultural landscape. The success of the center owes much to the respect that RCF has gained from its work on running the annual Hargeysa International Book Fair, which, now in its eighth year, has become one of the most admired cultural events in the region.

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26 June Street No. 2, Sha'ab area, Hargeysa, Somaliland


Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa